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Our environmental goal

Our operations are fossil-free by 2030.

Our environmental policy

The ShoreLink Group works for a long-term sustainable business with good care of the external environment.

ShoreLink has environmentally sustainable and long-term working methods with efficient processes in cargo handling, logistics, ship clearance and transport.

This means that we

  • protect the environment and prevent pollution
  • taking into account the established regional environmental requirements and complying with mandatory requirements
  • continuously improving the environmental performance of our operations by achieving the environmental objectives
  • the environmental objectives set out in the company's business plan
    encouraging our employees to think and act through increased knowledge
  • informing customers, suppliers, authorities and other stakeholders about
    our environmental work.

We are environmentally certified

ShoreLink is environmentally certified in accordance with ISO 14001:2015 and works actively and long-term to contribute to a sustainable society. When developing the business, consideration of environmental impact is always an important parameter. Through better use of resources and more efficient working methods, we reduce the burden on the environment. Our employees are our most important resources. With the right education and training, we work together to minimise our environmental impact.