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Port of Kalix

Paper pulp is the most important type of goods shipping from Kalix. Smaller quantities of sack and kraft paper are also shipped from here. The most common destinations for shipped goods are Northern Europe and the Mediterranean. The most important incoming goods type is wood raw-material, mainly coniferous pulpwood from the Baltic countries. Since 2006, the port has had traffic throughout the year.


· Year-round traffic: Yes
· Annual turnover: approx. 250,000 metric tons
· Number of calls: approx. 80
· Number of quays: 2
· Total quay length 330 meters
· Depth: 5.7 metres
· RoRo-berths: No
· Crane capacity: ShoreLink provides mobile cranes
· Warehouse: 22,000 m2
· Storage: 20,000 m2
· Asphalt space: 5,000 m2
· Railroad tracks: 1